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One-Line Bio

A spiritual activist... encouraging presence in hard places and a more honest way of spiritual formation.


I started blogging here in January 2007 which is immediately after I graduated from Denver Seminary with an M.Div. I desperately needed a space to reflect, deconstruct, reconstruct and write rather than bugging my wife or my friends all the time!

These days I serve a dual ministry role in the Mile High City. I direct a spiritual formation community called Access. With Access I serve as spiritual director for explorers, dreamers, and the walking wounded seeking to find their spiritual footing again.
Access meets in the second floor of a coffee house for the chronically homeless and mentally ill. It's called the Network Coffeehouse and I'm also the co-director of this ministry.
Network has been one of the most important pieces of my journey. I'm friends with real-life poor people - some of the most poor and vulnerable in our city and it's allowed me to interact with Jesus and the scriptures in a revived way.

It's been increasingly impressed upon me that grace pools up in some of the lowest places and that the Gospel is "Good News" only when it is good news to the poor.

I guess I should also disclose that I'm an I/ENFP and an Enneagram 4 which will explain a lot.

I titled the blog Tall Monastic Guy because I'm tall and a wanna-be monk. I'm married with kids and fiddle with my "smart" phone far too much to be an actual monk.

In these expressions about the spirituality I'm encountering I hope you find hope, joy, commonality, and reasons to smile or cry or laugh to the glory of God.

DISCLAIMER! The views and opinions expressed in this blog are mine and mine alone. They don't represent the ministries I'm associated with, my wife, or anybody else, so... If you have issues with anything posted here please gently take them up with ME. Thanks.


Dreaming, Engaging poverty, Enneagram, Gardening, Spiritual Formation, Encouraging the Weary, Teaching, Writing, Guiding, Stirring the Pot for the good of the world...