I'm about to wrap up To Own a Dragon: Reflections on Growing up Without a Father by Don Miller. Excellent stuff for men, especially men around my age (21-35). It pertains more to men in general rather than specifically men without fathers as the title might suggest. I will say, Angie read it first, liked it, and was my strongest influence to read it.
It's typical D-Mill, very honest, only this one seems a little more refined, funnier, and sagier. It's got me thinking and processing through some things this morning.
Here's some samples out of chapter 8 in which he's talking about chess...
The most difficult temptation, in chess and in life, is the temptation to react. Reacting without thinking never, ever works. ...I realized I spent much of my time reacting. (p.122)
You get to thinking about the girl who rejected you, the job you got fired from, the test you failed, and you lose sight of the big picture---the fact that life has a beautiful way of remaking itself every few weeks. The things that matter right now aren't going to matter a month from now, a year from now. (p.127)
Good stuff.
One more plug this morning...My friend Mike Scheid, who is going through the same apprenticeship process I am has a blog. Read his thoughts Here as he explores leading a missional community.
Hey...drag your "dragon book" to breakfast on Wednesday...I'd like to see it. Sure good hearing your voice this AM...better to see you in a couple of days!
Posted by: Wes Roberts | March 26, 2007 at 12:47 PM