I just returned home from a weekend of communitas for the men of Adullam. I, along with 24 other dudes spent Friday evening through noon today at a mountain lodge inside the Winter Park YMCA camp. Friday evening the guys trickled in after long weeks at work and a 2 hour trek up from Denver. We grilled, threw frisbee, and began getting to know each other a bit better. About 10pm Friday night we watched a montage of manly movie clips from flics like Braveheart, Fight Club, Matrix, and Gladiator. This began a short discussion after which we broke down in groups of three for prayer. For the remainder of the weekend we stayed in those triads for times of reflection and prayer.
Saturday morning I shared some thoughts surrounding the topic of the "heart" or core of a man. We sifted through several scriptures in Deuteronomy, like chapter 30:6, 10:12, and 6:4-6. Then we shifted to the Sermon on the Mount in which in which Jesus realigns and refocuses our idea of the heart as he says murder and adultery are not merely physical actions but motions begun subversively in the heart.
I then spoke a bit about the lack of male initiation in today's society and how that lack of initiation leads to ego and identity issues. We finished that time by speaking about Jesus' favorite metaphor of children and why it's necessary to approach him as one and what that would look like for us as grown men. A good discussion turned into 2 hours of intentional silence, prayer, and reflection. I found my way to a nice mountain view perched beside a quiet little stream.
The afternoon consisted of a tennis tournament on the Nintendo Wii and then a 10 on 10 ultimate frisbee game. Shortly after we returned to the lodge to fire up the grill, fireplace, and stogies. A nice snowy squall came and gave us a couple inches of snow. Later that evening we discussed the person of Jonathan out of 1 Samuel chapter 14 through 20. We talked about how Jonathan essentially made David the man that he was through by means of his character, initiative, service, and commitment as David's friend. We prayed that we'd figure out how to follow Jonathan's model in our own friendships.
Sunday morning I lured my friend Wes up the mountain to lead a send off time of communion and prayer. In Wes like fashion we heard a fresh and engaging story of Christ. He followed Henri Nouwen's lead from the book Can you drink the cup? as he challenged us to follow Christ's model of serving God at any cost.
Overall, it was a great communitas type weekend. A good space to be away, have fun, and get to know each other better, and seek God out communally.
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