I'd say one of the top ten heaviest influences on my attitude and response to Jesus is a man named Rich Mullins. Although he died in September of 1997 his song lyrics, articles, and interviews have been as relevant to me these days as ever. His honesty about his own depravity, disdain for American wealth and materialism, and his discovery of Jesus among the ignored and poor keep me coming back for more Rich Mullins.
Last week I came across an interview of which I'll share some of my favorite parts. The entire interview along with other good articles, song lyrics, and interviews can be found at kidbrothers.net
From Ichthus '96, Wilmore, Kentucky. April 20, 1996.
Rich is responding to very narrow evangelical questions regarding his going to teach music on a Navajo reservation...
These are a mix of his responses:
"Well, you know, this whole ministry mumbo jumbo stuff, I don't buy that. I think you are who you are, and you just live your life. And eventually we'll all be dead and it will probably matter very little that any of us actually lived. Except to God who made us. And the only way we can possibly do anything meaningful to God is to be who He made us to be. And the rest of this stuff about doing stuff for God and this and that I think is a bunch of hype.
If I were going to be a good car... If Mr. Ford had invented me, and I wanted to bring Mr. Ford glory, what would I do? I wouldn't go conquer countries. I wouldn't plow fields. I would simply be a car."
"I beleive that our call in life comes from... can come from different sources. One, first of all, I'll tell you what I really think God's will for me is. And I can tell you what God's will is for every person standing here. And it ain't because I'm some big prophet. It's because I have half a brain. God's will for me and for him and for her is that we should be holy.
I think that apart from our becoming holy, God really doesn't give a bang in a bag about a whole lot of stuff that we worry about..."
"I'm just not as convinced as everybody else seems to be that God has a specific will for each of us and that our job in life is to figure out what is right for us to do. I kind of tend to think that we should be where we are, be God's personin the place where we are. And if God wants you to go to Egypt, He will provide eleven jealous brothers and they will sell you into slavery. That He will take care of His will, we don't have to worry about God's will. Not in that way."
"What is a big worry to me is how do I live out holiness? How do I live out that identity that God has created in me? And imputed into me through His Son Jesus. What is that about? ..."
"I think to be truly holy means to be really free... That when I am free, when I can walk toward or walk away from anything in the world, I'm really free."
Thanks Rich.