I'm always looking for other incarnational leadership programs to compare the MCAP to...
Bob Jones University, Nov. 17, 2007: the world’s largest kazoo ensemble—maybe.
During halftime of Turkey Bowl 2007, BJU will need more than 3,600 people to exercise their kazoo-playing skills in order to break the Guinness World Record for the largest kazoo ensemble. Staff evangelist Mike Shrock will lead the ensemble.
And college students would think this was cool why? Well, if you lived under these conditions...
Taken from Bob Jones Residence Life
What Not to Bring
Posters of movie and music stars and fashion models are not permitted. The subjects of personal photos should not exhibit immodesty or inappropriate physical contact.
Music must be compatible with the University’s music standards:
New Age, jazz, rock, and country music is not permitted.
Contemporary Christian music is not permitted (e.g., Michael W. Smith, Stephen Curtis Chapman, WOW Worship, and so forth).
Televisions, DVD/videotape players and headphones are not permitted in the residence halls; computer DVD players may not be used to view movies.
You may not possess or play computer and video games rated T, M, A, or E10, or having elements of blood and gore, sensual or demonic themes, or featuring suggestive dress, bad language, or rock music.
Due to space considerations, appliances such as mini-refrigerators and microwaves are not permitted in residence hall rooms. A refrigerator and microwaves are provided in each residence hall.
Residence hall students may not watch videos above a G rating when visiting homes in town and may not attend movie theaters.
All weapons must be turned in for storage. Trigger locks are required for pistols. Fireworks are not permitted on campus.
The RD's gun cabinet is full of student's shotguns along with confiscated David Crowder CD's.
...some things never change! :-) Have they excommunicated the hymn,"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," since Martin Luther penned the words to work with the favorite bar tune of that day? Or...come to think about it...will you be passing out MCAP kazoos real soon...I do have a collection. Lord help us...........
Posted by: Wes Roberts | November 12, 2007 at 11:10 AM