From Kester Brewin's, Other: Loving Self, God and Neighbor in a World of Fractures
It is easy to love what is lovely; but we are called to love what is other. Who then is this other?
It is the other within myself, the parts of me that I hide in the dark, the half-fictional parts I parade and boast. What would it mean to truly love this self of mine?
It is the other within God, the divinity I cannot fully know or understand who does not answer my prayers and does not provide comfort; the incarnate and yet ever-hidden who infects my dreams and won't let me let go. What would it mean to love this God with all of myself?
And it is the other within the world I inhabit, the neighbors who are noisy, the street-people who are smelly, the immigrants who are strange. (page 9)
Love this book so far. Just wish I had it in my hands about 10 weeks ago before the Access conversation lifted off. I'm amazed at how much similarity there is...
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