Enough. I am enough. You are enough. My family is enough. My friends are enough. My job… My home… My car… My body… My God…
This Lenten season this is the discipline I’ve decided to take on. At least once a day I click on the notes app on my phone and mentally sift as I type in all of the experiences I can recall from that day and simply tell myself that they are all enough.
Why in the world would I even have to engage this in this particular season? I have a new beautiful 7 week-old-son, and that makes two beautiful sons for me and my more-than-enough-wife. We are being more than sufficiently provided for. My job is great. I actually get to do what I want to do. I come from a solid family. I have the best friends in the world. So, why do I struggle with this quiet recognition that what I have and who I am is simply enough?
Rene Girard, French literary critic and philosopher, would say my desires are impacted and shaped by the desires of the culture around me. I’m continuously compelled to observe and then mimic those around me which as you can imagine makes it extremely difficult to stop and be still long enough to notice how cool my new baby boy is let alone how deeply blue and beautiful the sky was today.
The games of comparing and over-analyzing is exhausting and makes it nearly impossible to sustain an awakeness to the holy nature of the present moment in which I find myself. Like the two men on the road to Emmaus, I have such a routine of preoccupation with stuff that I don’t realize the person I’m walking with and talking to is actually God in the flesh.
I agree with Henri Nouwen as he so honestly said, “I am so afraid of being disliked, blamed, put aside, passed over, ignored, persecuted, and killed, that I am constantly developing strategies to defend myself and thereby assure myself of the love I think I need and deserve.” And in this frantic and often unrecognized fear I forget to stop to enjoy and be grateful for the peanut M & M’s I’m munching on let alone the simply profound gift of my breath or the birds chirping outside the window or the... (fill in the blank).
As I jot down all these experiences and gifts of my day I have to admit just how often I find myself hydroplaning over the surface of my life, too busy to be and too busy to really care. Here as I sit and type, sun shoots through the window reflecting off icons, cigarette smoke swirls up from my friend downstairs, and in 30 minutes a good friend comes over to chat about life. These are the simple graces within the reality of my day and I pray that at the conclusion of this one I'll have the eyes to see that it was all just enough.
thank you. i love to read this type of information posts. again thank you...
Posted by: kiralık devremülkler | March 22, 2011 at 03:27 PM